About this site map page.

Many of the files I have linked are from an earlier edition of "The Language of Organic Chemistry, A Guide to Organic Chemistry Mechanisms". Initially, my objective was to simply tells students about the book and I did not intend placing completed mechanisms on my website. However, I later changed my mind and in a few hours I was able to create images of every page from Part D. I linked these index entries to page #s. That was crude, but allowed me to put some content up.

I have revised my website and retained this earlier content. The software defaulted to pages being identified by a page number. I have given each page a name and let my Site Map application create the links to the pages. There are many things wrong with this. It would be better if content were split into individual topics and names. It should have some redundancy to include cross referencing. That will eventually come, but that is a future project.

For now, my best advice is to look at more than one possible page if you believe a reaction mechanism may be present as indicated by the index or table of contents.